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Aquí aparecen outras fotos e mapas interesantes:
De masas de aire:
De infravermellos:
Combinando a imaxe de satélite coa de isobaras:
E o de isobaras da Metoffice:
Fíxate que é unha borrasca pequena pero moi fonda, similar ao que acontece cos ciclóns tropicais. Pode chegar a baixar aos 968 mb de presión no seu centro, eso explica que as isobaras estén tan xuntas e polo tanto que provoquen fortes ventos, como ves de dirección sur. É unha masa de aire tropical moi cálida e húmida que provocará fortes chuvias e subida das temperaturas. Meteogalicia indica que hai alerta vermella, co cal o máis aconsellable é quedar na casa.
Síguea en Meteogalicia, aquí están as últimas fotos publicadas:
0:00 horas
3:oo horas 6:00 horas 9:00 horas 12:00 horas
E volvendo ao inglés, mira a predición metereolóxica para Europa da BBC:
Renewable energy sources are sources of power that quickly replenish themselves and
can be used again and again. For this reason they are sometimes called infinite energy
- Join columns:
3- Case Study. The Three Gorges Dam. China
A) Look at it from the air with Google Earth or Google maps:
B)Read this text:
The facts:
. The three gorges Dam will be over 2 km long and 100 m. high
. The lake will be over 600 km long
. Over 1 million people will have to be removed to make way for the dam and the lake.
. The river Yangtze provides 66% of China’s rice and contains 400 million people.
. The Yangtze drains 1.8 million km2 and discharges 700 km3 of water annually.
. It will generate up to 18,000 megawatts, eight times more than the Aswan Dam (Egypt) and 50% more than the world’s largest existing HEP dam, the Itapu in Paraguay.
. It will enable China to reduce its dependency on coal.
. It will supply energy to Shangai (population 13 million), one of the world’s largest cities, and Chongqing (population 3 million), an area with high ecomomic growth.
.It will protect 10 million people from flooding ( over 300,000 people in China died as a result of flooding in the 1900s)
. It will allow shipping above the Three Gorges (the dams will raise water levels by 90 m.) and turn the rapids in the gorge into a lake.
. It will generate thousands of jobs.
The protests
. Most floods in recent years have come from rivers which join the Yangtze below the three Gorges dam
. The region is seismically active and landslides are frequent
.The dam may become silted up as a result of increased deposition. To reduce silt load afforestation is needed but resettlement of people will cause more presure on the slopes above the dam.
. Up to 1.2 million people will have to be moved to make way for the dam.
. Most of the available resettlement land is over 800 m. above sea level and is colder and has infertile thin soils.
. Dozens of towns, such as Wanxian and Fuling with 140,000 and 80,000 people respectively, will be flooded.
. Archaelogical treasures will be drowned.
. It will take between 15 and 20 years to build and could cost as much as 70 billion dollars.
4) Write a few lines about the main enviromental problems of the planet caused by industrial activity, use text and drawings or photographs. Choose two of this list:
- Acid rain
- Greenhouse effect and Global Warming
- Pollution caused by Chemical waste products
- Pollution caused by Radioactive waste
5) Create a p.p.p. about the main types of energy and their characteristics:
Coal, oil, Nuclear power, gas, HEP, solar power, wind power and tidal power.
6) Find out:
1-What is a multinational corporation(MNCs)?
2-Write a few lines about its characteristics?
3-State the main 5 industrial MNCs and the country they are from.
4-Could ZARA be a multinational? And Citroën?. Write a brief report about them.